martedì 29 dicembre 2015

RIP Lemmy

Born to lose, lived to win (1945-2015)
I tought He was immortal, I'm very sad . I attended a lot of Motorhead concerts, they were always a great rock show!
Backdoor Brewery logo is inspired to the Ace of Spades.
Now I need to brew a celebration beer, must find out the best recipe. It must be black, like a Black IPA, but also with bourbon notes, like a Jack and Coke. Maybe a robust porter with american hops and some peated?

RIP Lemmy.

RIP Lemmy

Born to lose, lived to win (1945-2015)
Pensavo fosse immortale, che tristezza. Ho visto un sacco di concerti, erano uno spettacolo unico.
Anche il logo della Backdoor Brewery è ispirato ai Motorhead, all'Ace of Spades.
Ora serve una birra celebrativa, devo tirare fuori una ricetta degna. Deve essere nera, tipo Black IPA, ma avere anche note di bourbon. Boh, una robust porter con luppoli americani e un pò di peated?

RIP Lemmy.

Munich Bock

Bock - 6.3% / 14.2 °P - Batch Volume: 15 L - OG: 1058 - FG: 1011 - IBU: 29 48% efficiency - Boil Time: 90 min Malts (5.5 kg) 5.5 kg (97.4%) ...